Note: Since build 6.4.2774 the assembly signing is disabled in the source project. The shipped DLL is still signed.
In prior releases, you will get the following error message during compilation:
"Cryptographic failure while signing assembly '...\DayPilot.dll' -- 'Error reading key file 'DayPilotStrong.snk' -- The system cannot find the file specified."
Possible solutions:
All JavaScript resources are compressed using ESC before compilation.
The full DayPilot Pro package includes both the original and the compressed version.
The ESC command line used for compression:
cscript ESC.wsf -l 4 -ow Calendar.js Calendar.src.js file (must be present in the current directory):
DayPilot DayPilotCalendar DayPilotScheduler DayPilotVertical DayPilotMenu DayPilotBubble DayPilotMonth DayPilotDynamic DayPilotNavigator WebForm_DoCallback WebForm_InitCallback __doPostBack __theFormPostCollection __theFormPostData _jsParse Iuppiter console jQuery Sys angular